The development of games that combine sports with fighting game mechanics is a genre I am very interesting in seeing.

This game is fun and looks amazing too. The music fits the style the game is going for and the characterization of the playable characters elevates. But unfortunately that's where I'm enjoyment ends.

This game has zero online. They only way to play this game with another is with remote play or together on one screen. Which was really a bad call.

I fully finished the game and now I see nothing stopping me from uninstall and never touching it again. At the price it is selling for on Steam, I would be annoyed at that. Luckily I got it in a bundle.

Games like this need online, playing against an AI is only fun for an hour or two. This would go hard if I could just play against randoms. Whether I'm good or bad, I could see and play against different types of playstyles that helps pass the time.

Also I will say, the gameplay is fun however some of the addon modes really suck and are just bad. Underwater and the one shot are really unfunny especially against an AI.

Personally I wouldn't recommend getting it unless you have a friend who can play with you or if you just like playing unique games.

Reviewed on Mar 15, 2023
