Saints Row 2022

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 5, 2024

Platforms Played


I went into Saints Row expecting it be the worst of the series - an unpolished, unfocused mess with poor writing and annoying characters. Through the first act, that is what Saints Row is. This game does not put its best foot forward. The game has a slow start, the writing is at its worst, which leads to the unlikable characters. However, once the Saints start becoming Saints, things get better and better. By the end, I was loving my time with Saints Row's last hurrah.

Not to say it was a great game by the end. The business venture side missions (which honestly felt like the bulk of the game) became tired and repetitive fairly quickly. Each business has its own unique side mission, which are mostly fun. The problem is I do the side mission, had fun, and the game says do it ten more times. Its those last ten times that are no fun.

Most criticism I heard about the writing and characters were one hundred percent accurate based on the first cut scene with the companions. It was a bad scene. Fortunately, the characters got better. They don't compare to the original Saints; the new Saints have plenty to like about them. The story focused more on the companions and less on the rival gangs. I would have liked more story to flesh out the other gangs; maybe focus less on the business ventures.

Additionally, the game's story was oddly paced. It felt like it took forever for the Saints to form. Then before I knew it, all the rivals gangs were defeated (in a span of three consecutive missions) and I was on the last mission. It could be because during act two, I was mostly focused on the business venture side missions, but thinking about the story, it definitely felt the first act was the longest, which each successive act being shorter. Which is a shame since the first act is definitely the weakest.

Stand alone, Saints Row is a decent game with writing and pacing issues. As an entry in the Saints Row franchise, it definitely falls beneath the heights of 2 and 3. Volition and Saints Row deserved another go around to get things right (I say the same thing about Agents of Mayhem). Unfortunately, the volatility of the video game industry means neither Volition or Saints Row will get to return to glory. While it wasn't the studio's or franchise's best, Saints Row was worth a playthrough, and I had plenty of good times with it.