I've played it several times on several platforms, and honestly such a banger, I 100% it as a child and I've finished it with friends since. Quite simple in terms of gameplay but quite timeless, I think that anyone could play this game and have fun.

I played this before the steam release and before I even knew it was a thing, needless to say I had quite the ride while playing it.

One of the best stories I've ever experienced.

Finished all content in around 4 hours... was quite a fun concept but the gameplay was so stale me and my friends all had brainrot by the time we were done.

I mean... what was I expecting?


The early game is quite fun, especially if you're playing with someone, but it didn't really have anything to keep me playing.


Fun but sadly a tad bit too serious at times..

Quite good with friends but quickly lost what made it fun, no fault of the game though. Very good execution of the concept.

Was kinda fun with a friend but way too much bloat and pay to win / mmo shenanigans in what wasn't an mmo at it's core.

Honestly, great game. I binged the whole game in one sitting the first time I played it. I wouldn't say it's the best story but the whole vibe and aesthetic is on point. The feeling I had while sneaking through and eliminating enemies one by one on one of the harder difficulties is amazing.

Great with friends, otherwise... maybe not so much.

No comment. If you know what this is, then you do.

Fun twist on the classic tower defense game.

Seemed more fun than it was.