Leaves a lot to be desired. The small changes are appreciated such as the hotkey for the bike, descriptions on what status effects do, and the campfire scenes are cool and adds a lot to a cast of party members that desperately needed more interactions with Brad. With that said, this version of the game is far buggier, it crashed on me three times for reasons I cannot fathom, and I got softlocked in a fight at one point. Glitches and poor technical quality like that really make me hesitate playing this on Pain Mode, where I'd be in constant fear of losing a ton of progress not because of me playing poorly, but the game freezing up.

Also while I like the new boss from a conceptual standpoint, it was beyond overkill. In the advertising it was made out like there was going to be even more content and side areas, but this was the only thing added and it was padded out to an asinine degree in order to make the product look more worthwhile. The fight becomes incredibly tedious after a short while and in total took me 2 and a half hours to beat, roughly a quarter of my full playtime. From a story standpoint it doesn't even add much that longtime fans didn't already know and comes off as a tryhard weird mind fuck that you'd see in literally any other RPG Maker game that covers heavy subject matter. But hey, it boosted play time! That must mean it's worth doubling the price of the original game!

This isn't a terrible port or bad way to play the game by any means, but for all of the new stuff it does bring to the table, glitches and all, this is a pretty disappointing 'definitive edition' of one of my favorite games.

Work Harder died for this

Reviewed on Jul 21, 2023
