Amazing game with good memories.

I really liked Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood. It was a great improvement from the previous game and the western cowboy theme is spot on. The mechanics, graphics, sound and voice acting was revolutionary for me at the time and overall, this is just a great piece of gaming history.

For starters, this game has a great story that really sucks you in and let you bond with the two main characters, the McCall brothers. Because, (in my opinion), this is one of those games in which the story is the best/main focus of the game, I will not spoil it.

The mechanics in Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood work great. You can choose to play as Thomas or Ray in almost every stage, giving you new advantages and challenges each time you play. Besides the standard, excellent gunplay and a good function cover system, you can ride horses, achieve headshots on enemies to earn “concentration points”, which you can then use to active slow motion, giving you time to tag up 12 enemies and then enjoy the show as Ray empties both his revolvers in mere seconds, killing all tagged enemies.

Both Ray and Thomas each have different abilities and advantages/disadvantages. Ray is much stronger and beefier, allowing him to kick down doors and take more damage. He is also slower and cannot jump that high. Thomas is much more agile and can use some hillbilly weapons like throwing knives, bows and lasso’s. Trying both brothers in the campaign can be fun and the outcome of play can be different each time.

Graphicly, I think this game looks amazing. The detail in the desert wastelands, the effects of TNT explosions, the polished, accurate weapons of the time period, it was stunning for me back then when I first booted it up.

What makes this game shine however, are the sound effects. Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood is one of those examples in which the sound is near perfect. For me, this really enhances the overall experience. The sounds from firing a rifle or revolver provides your ears with feedback and solid, sharp bangs, making you really feel the shots you just fired. The voice acting is excellent and environmental sounds are also great. In terms of sound, this game would get a 10 out of 10.

I really liked the duels in this game. Normally, you could compare this to some pointless quick time event, like many other games, but here, it was actually intense and I really needed to focus and react quick. The bell rings, the slow motion kicks in, and my hand is shaking the mouse into the right direction with all my fury and tenseness in order to be the first to fire the gun.

The only problem, which still surprises me to this day, is that Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood does not feature any co-op. This is THE game to feature it, one player as Thomas and one as Ray. But for some reason, this was not implemented into the game, Such a shame if you ask me. It would have been great.

Another small issue is the stupid AI. Most of the time, enemies just walk somewhere, sit in a ducking stance or behind a barrel, and just wait for you to put a bullet in their heads.

Overall, I think Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood is a fine piece of work. It tells a great story while offering an intense combat experience.

Definitely recommend this game.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2024
