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LukeMaster27 abandoned Aim for the Top! Gunbuster vol. 1
What the hell is the point of this? It's just a straight conversion of the show onto a video game system that kills you for going off script, which contains the only new stuff they actually added. If I wanted to experience Gunbuster, I'd watch the actual damn show, not a shitty compressed version that you watch through a Viewfinder whose new content is locked behind a truly abhorrent grind of slowly killing myself possibly hundreds of times. I guess in that sense it has value for masochists, so congrats, Gunbuster for PCE CD. I'll give you an entire extra half of a star... And another half since I'd rather play this than watch show which will not be named.

11 days ago

LukeMaster27 played Tetris Pop
WOOOOOO FUCK YEAH THEY FINALLY PUT A REAL TETRIS GAME IN THE DATABASE!!!!!! ...and by they, I mean me. I had to add this shit myself.
I think this was the very first version of Tetris I ever played. It was on my Grandma's Blackberry; the kind with the slide-out keyboard. So it has sorta stuck in the back of my mind for years as a really cool version of Tetris. After playing it recently through a J2ME emulator, I stand by that. I haven't beaten the whole thing, but just the very concept of a level/mission based version of Tetris is really cool, and would probably be the perfect thing for someone looking to kill time on their commute to work or whatever. So I'm really surprised the IGDB, which has shit like pointless skues for various collectors editions, doesn't have a unique, once widely played version of one of the most popular games of all time. I can't be the only one who remembers this game, right?

12 days ago

13 days ago

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