I hesitated to play this on a browser when it was recommended to me but dang it smooth

A reminder in researching before committing to Early Access.

This isn't a game, it's a 10 minute movie with interactive elements.

While not inherently bad, I also struggle to call this a game, being completed in 30 minutes. At the low cost of having owned Portal 2 though, this is a neat little mod worth the time to look at.

A fantastic intro to VR - always great to pull out for friends and family. On its own, it's an enjoyable simulator you'll play once and then shelf.

I absolutely adore this game's aesthetic, but it needs more to justify the price tag. Definitely get this on sale if you can!

Core memory of my parents picking this game up after I spent months saving up for it. Nostalgic even now for it - super replayable with randomizers and speedchoice roms!

Catch me in National Park vibing to the music on original hardware and dollar store earbuds.


100% of all my VR related injuries and damages were caused by this one game.

GORN is - while very stylized and not at all realistic - an incredibly immersive look into gladiatorial combat. Truly, I have seen a part of me that I've never seen before. A being of raw violence and recklessness. It has taught me that graphics alone do not make a game realistic, but the experiences it brings.

I haven't finished this because every time I play I break something. Oops.

A fun puzzle game that takes place entirely within an elevator - making it more akin to a point and click adventure. You can clear the game within 30-60 minutes however, but at $5 it could be worth the experience to you, especially if you have a limited play space.

If I were making this review on time, I'd tell you it's definitely not Half-Life 3 but it sure has the vibes. However, HL: Alyx happened after that so I get to call it "Half-Life Adjacent" now.

BONEWORKS is special that it tries to do full physics in VR, and it's absolutely a great time so long as you play along with the game and follow the movements. Carry large boxes like you would in real life, slowly pull yourself up from a crowbar onto the top of a warehouse rack, hit the funny zombie with the back of your gun.

However, sometimes the physics are to the detriment of the game - edges of platforms feel impossible to climb up more often than not even after several calibrations (there's whole videos and guides dedicated to climbing up a ledge right) and the game feels a little heavier and sluggish than it should sometimes, but if you get used to it and play through like you would in real life, BONEWORKS is a hell of a good time.

While BONEWORKS has a sandbox and arena mode, if you want to stylishly destroy waves of enemies I'd point you the way to Blade & Sorcery instead. The single player story is where BONEWORKS excels for this one.

U10 review - while the game is starting to get real content now in the way of dungeons, B&S is really a base for the mods that make the game as wonderful as it is. While that's not necessarily a bad thing, it should be considered before buying.

B&S does a good job of implementing solid physics without letting it be a hinderance to the game, and if I ever really just want to vent without getting 20 to life it is there for me... but in the end it's a wave fighter with not much happening without mods. Huge recommend if you're okay with that.

Endwalker isn't flawless, but my god it tries. A perfect end to a story that reached out to me over 7,000 hours.

Gets 4 stars without mods.
Gets "AHHHHHHH MY ARMS, THEY BURN!" with them. Wonderful workout.


Fun little escape room. I'm not the best at this stuff but it only took me about 2 hours to finish. Wish there was more, though! It was a lot of fun and embraced VR well.