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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 23, 2022

First played

December 19, 2022

Platforms Played


There was a point in this game where I thought I was actually going to like it a fair bit. But the game increasingly sort of fumbled the bag as it continued past that point.

The pacing is atrocious at times. At its best, the cutting between perspectives increases tension, but quite often it just draws out already lengthy conversations, with the individual scenes feeling like you got nothing out of them. This is especially egregious when it's the third or tenth time Maina's lecture is covering the same thematic ground.

The general structure of the game is a bit boring compared to its cousins. You only have three routes - besides the true route, the other two routes cover completely separate perspectives. And for all three routes, they feature no branching besides a handful of bad ends, and it's very unclear how your choices influence which route you're on. It feels less like you're gathering knowledge to work towards the best timeline, and more just that you're watching a mostly-linear novel play out. That's not an inherently invalid structure - kinetic novels are a thing - but it's not really what I'm coming to Uchi for.

There was one character I really liked, and that was carrying my opinion of the game on its back for a while, but the plot ignored her for a long time and eventually gave her an absolutely appalling resolution. Most of the other characters are... eh. Not terribly compelling.

When the game is at its best, there's a lot of enjoyment to be gotten out of pondering the mysteries and putting clues together, but that's also true of numerous better games, that don't fall apart into a confusing mess as they progress.

Still, I find the game at least interesting. It feels quite distinct from Uchikoshi's other works on either side of it, most similar to the brand new stuff. I do find it a shame that there's no means for English speakers to play it for themselves.