9 Reviews liked by LunarRoge

A return to basics that excels amazingly at them.

The loss of sliding and the charge shot took me a little to get used to, which honestly wasn't even a problem when the rest of the game was so well designed, as well as perfectly recapturing the vibes of the NES era.

First phase of the final boss may have been the boulder to my Sisyphus, but this was a really fun game.

If I had to describe this game in one word, it would be clunky. There's some noticeable pacing issues, combat has it's ups and downs, there's a surprising lack of music in the overworld with some songs being very repetitive. Yet, the story and characters kept me interested enough that I didn't really mind it all that much. A massive departure from Xenogears and how people will take to it varies.

I can understand why this game is loathed by so many. However, outside of how spongy normal enemy encounters can get and a change in art you either tolerate or hate, I had a good time with it. The music feels like it's actually present outside of mostly cutscenes, Story takes off quicker and has more memorable moments than in the first game, introduced the break system. Overall 2 steps forward, 2 steps backwards from the original.

God where do I begin. Massive step up in all the mechanics of the previous entries (Combat, exploration, presentation, etc.). The build-up to this game from the previous 2 had me genuinely more excited than I expected, even more so as a fan of a certain other entry in the franchise.

Beautiful game and a beautiful conclusion to a flawed, but ultimately amazing trilogy.

Cool game. Story, characters, and worldbuilding were good. Gameplay was fun, even if it does start to feel repetitive the more you play it. Only complaint is that the story doesn't really become noteworthy until after a certain point in the mid-game.

This game is a prime example of learning not to judge a book by it's cover, even if said cover can be really embarrassing to look at during its worst moments.

Admittedly, a majority of the first half really sucks and everything I love about the game has some minor issue I have that stays that way, but man once I managed to get past that and really dig into the meat of it all, it was absolutely worth it. Ended up liking this game way more than I thought I would.

Fun expansion. It's pretty short and a lot of its runtime is more focused on the side quests, which leads to my only gripe with this game: the Community. Like twice, it will stop you from proceeding with the story unless you have it at certain levels and after a while, it becomes a chore. It's okay as a standalone title, but it's great as a prequel to XC2.

Simple and short. A lot of this expansion's story is primarily told through it's side content so this is REALLY short if you decide to ignore it. The Quiet Moments are really nice though.

Absolutely incredible game. Story and characters were the best in Blade. It has one of, if not, my favorite combat system in any JRPG I've played. Honestly has one of my favorite endings out of any piece of media I've ever experienced. Only complaint, if I had to name one, is that the pacing kinda dies in the last 2 chapters. Otherwise a beautiful experience that I do not regret sinking so much time into.