Danganronpa 2 is a step up from the original in basically every way that matters. The cast is more colorful and memorable, the soundtrack has a lot more tracks and they're all good, the presentation is off-the-charts stylish, the trials go in so many more crazy directions that you'd never be able to predict, and the ending is really excellent.

Very few sequels take the MGS2 approach of dissecting what made the first game work while using that as a springboard to deliver its own themes. This approach is fucking incredible and more sequels should do it. You might view it as a retread of the original, but having the author come back to their previous work with a new perspective and filtering it through a new theme is something I would love to see more of in the industry.

I'm also a sucker for tropical settings so this could be a beat for beat ripoff of Ace Attorney 2 and I'd still give it high marks.

Reviewed on Apr 13, 2022
