This game has to be a hood classic.
Witty dialogue that isn’t cringe, beautiful graphics and scenery, and a combat system that makes you think about what choices to make instead of rushing in blindly. The story was nice too but I felt some parts dragged on and the ending wasn’t satisfying due to having to do a second playthrough. Final boss was awesome and blew my mind. The whole game in fact is meta as hell. It’s very self aware and not afraid to have fun with you. The graphics look amazing, even blown up on a tv. Character designs are iconic too. The battle system an either let you think your way through battle, or just kill your enemy right away. I mostly spared them but you get different endings depending on your choices. Overall, this is a very good game worth a playthrough at least once and if you aren’t satisfied, give it another go.

Reviewed on Dec 03, 2023
