Big missed opportunity in that there were no new classes or worlds added. As far as I know, just the horse, the new mii maker, and an extra postgame dungeon were added which is pretty disappointing considering the game's price tag. I partially forgive a lot of that stuff because I'm confident this game was only really released on Switch to test the waters for future mii-themed games - it was always intended to be a quick port.

Anyway, all the good stuff from the original is here again, and all the bad is as well. The game is ridiculously padded for the whole second half and seems to become more and more so as you go on, and the classes continue to be pretty unbalanced. The gameplay is still shallow and the game speed is pretty slow even when holding the B button.

However, as I said, the good is all still there. The soundtrack hits, the writing is cute and silly, the enemy designs are all there... and of course, the new mii maker very much breathes life into what would have been a far more stale port. Things felt way more connected this time with a sense of online community even though the game itself had nothing that natively supported it.

Aaaanyway, Miitopia's good but could be a lot better. Not worth picking up at full price unless you really want to support mii games like I do. Also if you do get it, please make sure to play it in short bursts rather than binging it. It's not at all a binge-friendly game.

Reviewed on Jun 04, 2021
