Minor Spoilers.

After Atlus announced the new remaster for portable I said nope, not playing that. I didn't wait for a port/remaster so I can play a PSP game on my PC. So I decided to play Persona 3 FES using the Community Enhancement Pack in gamebanana. And after giving it a try, this is what Atlus should have done instead.

The game falls flat in a number of different ways. Thankfully, you can fix and minimize these flaws with mods.

The everyday life of our MC and the social links were wonderful. Although, not as great as Persona 4 & 5. Some were quite dull while others were decent at best. The social links with the party members is what I enjoyed the most. And especially the Hermit SL, I laughed my ass off after finding out who Maya was xd. I was quite disappointed that we couldn't form a SL with the boys. What I particularly didn't like though was how you were forced to romance every single girl you level up your SL with, our MC is such a manwhore he doesn't want to miss any chance to fuck. Give me the option to friendzone ffs. I don't like cheating. And because of that, the girls will notice that you are fucking around and will REVERSE your social link progress. Just why?

The city was great to explore, but once you reach halfway through the game you start to run out of things to do and just go pray at the shrine or playing in the arcade.

The main complaint I had while progressing through tartarus was the surprising difficulty in facing the mini-bosses. No joke these fuckers are harder than the actual bosses you fight every full moon. And because of that you need to grind and grind until you and your party members can endure the attacks. But what if I tell you, that if you press F4 in your keyboard, you can activate TURBO MODE. I swear to god I can't imagine grinding in this game without it. I even started using it for everything in the game, even for navigating the menus. and this is when I realized the game is slow as fuck.

All in all, I had a blast. I can easily say that Persona 3 is the darkest game in the series (I haven't played 1 & 2 yet) and its gloomy, scary atmosphere sets it apart from the other games, the story was really amazing. And I definitely recommend giving it a try.

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2023
