This is the first - and as it stands, only (though i'm not finished putting my backlog on here) - 5 star, 10/10 rating i've given to a game.

I'm usually one to nitpick, I always find one thing holding a game back from true perfection, the full distance. And with this game, that's replay value. Once you're done, there is no reason, or WAY to return. But god damn my brain, because truth be told, I do not believe that can be fixed without worsening the experience.

By every account, this game is perfection. Sheer, unadulterated perfection. The sheer immersion I had with my friends & my dad (two separate occasions) trying to solve a mystery with seemingly endless depth is an experience I haven't ever forgotten. Putting together a huge piece of the puzzle, celebrating, only for there to be more and more and more. It makes it all the more satisfying to have it all fully laid out, fully complete - not much unlike a jigsaw puzzle. It's a genuine work of art, an honest-to-god practically flawless game.

A friend I have on this site, revachol_4eva, put it best. "My only complaint is that I wish I could erase my memory of it and experience it for the first time all over again."

Reviewed on Apr 26, 2021
