I think it's genuinely really cool that you're always one wrong step away from dying in a fucked Rube-Goldberg machine. Got 99 health and the best possible equipment? Guess what, bozo - bear trap that you couldn't even see! Sounds like a skill issue to me!
If that happened in any other game I would uninstall it immediately, but Spelunky secretly implants a chip in your brain that only makes you go "Ha, well played" after even the most bullshit and rage-inducing death imaginable.

Reviewed on Jun 04, 2023


8 months ago

you are really good at writing these short stabs that nail exactly how I feel about a game in the most hilarious ways possible. legit some of the funniest reviews on the site

8 months ago

@ThinkingFella That's very nice to hear, thank you! :)