An endearing blast from the past. Tons of Pokemon across every generation are represented in this game, and not just the popular ones. Snap pictures of Pokemon and have them rated. Lively animations and Pokemon behavior gave me new appreciation for mons that I didn't even pay attention to previously. Tons of unique courses in different biomes, most with branching paths to discover. Short but sweet game.

Pretty fun soulslike third person shooter. Fun with friends, interesting weapons and bosses. Randomized campaign is a detriment to the game though. You end up missing a lot of things and I don't feel the game is worth revisiting to try and find all the content you missed.

Fantastic world building. Great music. Fun combat. Good length. Some occasional unfair/cheapish difficulty. Worth a replay.

Relaxing gameplay. Good variety of animals. Building the right habitat while also trying to make the overall park aesthetically pleasing is a fun gameplay balance. Nothing extraordinary, but a good game to come back to every once in a while.