This one's a bit more my speed than Castle of Illusion. Though I'll admit, this game's lack of a central hub area like how last game had Mizrabel's Castle gives the game less of a cohesive through-line. Like yeah, Mizrabel's Castle barely mattered, but it was at least something to tether the adventure together. This time around, since I didn't have an instruction manual or anything, I found myself playing levels until I hit a boss I recognized in Pete, then credits rolled. Very abrupt.

(Actually, reviewing this game, I completely forgot that one of the bosses was Mad Madam Mim! I'd have thought that at least would've stuck with me.)

But the moment to moment stuff is more engaging. Adding Donald as a playable option of course nets the game easy points in my book. But I particularly respect that the game has different routes for a Mickey playthrough vs a Donald playthrough, then an entirely different set of levels for a co-op playthrough. I only played as Donald myself, so I fully acknowledge that I haven't gotten the full experience. Still, that's honestly quite cool that the game has that much going on under the hood.

I also respect the general magic motif here. It doesn't fully have me - the spells seem like context-sensitive functions, and while that's cool for a kid, it's just a device here to progress levels rather than a big mechanics change. But I do like the theming. As with the last game, there's a lot of creativity at display with the different level themes. That one underwater level, where our hero is surrounded by a bubble and gets an updated set of sprites, is a neat touch.

I think I look at World of Illusion along the same lines as the original Castle of Illusion: decent game, good entry-level title, not a lot of complexity for an adult but a decent enough time for a kid. Maybe co-op's solid, too. Since I like World of Illusion a bit more, it is a bit of a bummer that it never got a remake in the same vein as Castle of Illusion. But not anything that occupies a lot of my mental energy either way.

Reviewed on Apr 09, 2024
