Absolutely terrific game.

The gender/pronouns customization for your character is outstanding, and the game really lets you play and make choices according to how you wish to present your character (and even change certain things on the fly). Plus the optional content warnings are sure to be useful to those who need it.

The game itself is a narrative adventure game set in an extra-solar start up colony, where you make choices and develop your character and their relationships from childhood and through their teens. Throughout, there’s plenty of potential to affect change in the people around you, and the colony at large as you make choices and each year brings its own challenges and narrative wrinkles.

The whole thing (to me) feels very inclusive. The story is gripping, and the characters all have interesting personalities and motivations. Be prepared to experience both happy and crushingly sad moments for your character and the people around them over the course of the game.

I Was a Teenage Exocolonist is one of those games that, once you finish it, you immediately want to start again to see what other choices you could’ve made. The game also encourages this, sprinkling in moments of deja-vu where your character “remembers” these past lives and allows you to make certain new choices in future playthroughs. I love how this was implemented, and the many possible endings means that I’ll likely play this at least once more.

There are some narrative hiccups, though. It’s possible to experience certain (in my case minor) events out of order. Like seeing a scene where two characters are in a relationship, and then seeing another scene later where it reads like the characters just met. Stuff like that. This happened maybe two or three times in my first playthrough, which was about 10 hours long, so it’s a minor flaw that’s easy to excuse.

I’m really glad I played this game. If any of the above things I mentioned interests you, it’s definitely worth playing!

Reviewed on Jan 20, 2023
