Finally beat this game after having it for like 10 or 11 years. This game is extremely important to me. I grew up with it and played it a ton as a kid. Brings back memories of my Grandma and being at her house playing this. I cherish those memories since my grandmother passed away, so beating this game means a lot to me.

Now to the actual review. I honestly don't really know quite what to make of this game. It doesn't take very long to beat, only like 4-5 hours. This isn't a bad thing at all, just thought I should note it.

The Gameplay is your average 3D platformer, so it's ok. Not great by any means, but ok. Jumps can be a little weird sometimes, the camera screws up a lot so you can't always see the exact spot your going to land. This isn't that bad tho, so I guess I'll give it a pass.

The Animation of the Cutscenes are really well done, and it impresses me that they got it to look like that on a Gamecube. The voice-acting was really well done as well, all characters sound great, especially Bugs and Daffy.

The best thing about the game is the Looney Tunes theme. Looney Tunes is probably the best cartoon franchise of all time, and one of my favorite fictional worlds. They do a great job with the Looney Tunes humor and tropes that makes the cartoon so great.

I really liked the levels and thought they were intelligently designed to be fun and have that good Looney Tune charm. The missions to get the monkeys are nothing special though, and neither are the collectables, but they're an alright distraction from the main game.

Now the worst part about the game. This honestly drops the games rating down pretty hard, and if it wasn't in the game, I might have given this game a 3.8/5. At the end of the game, you reach the door you need to enter to get to the final stretch of the game. Now mind you, this game makes you collect monkeys like they're Stars or Jiggies, but these monkeys are never actually needed to progress to the next level. But for some reason, when you get to that that door, you now all the sudden need 35 monkeys to open the door. There are a total of 45 monkeys in the game so it may not seem like that big of a hassle, but then you realize you have to go through every level and get the bonus monkeys, and the game doesn't just allow you to run through the level freely to do it, you have to do the missions all over again. The ending boss fight isn't even worth all this hassle, and I had to look up what the hell to do to beat that final boss.

Despite that massive hiccup, I still have a special place in my heart for this game, and genuinely had a good time with it. It's good Looney Tunes gaming, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to play a good 3D Platformer.

Score: 3.4/5
Letter Grade: B

Reviewed on Sep 27, 2023


7 months ago

@Mad4Maxwell I had no idea there was another person on this earth that was also nostalgic for this game!

7 months ago

@EmanuelPerez Hell yeah man! played this so much when I was younger, the music and that first level are embedded into my brain.