MagnificentMrMads Halloween Marathon #1

As someone who enjoyed both Evil Withins (1 is a bit flawed but I absolutely love 2) it truly gives me no pleasure to call Ghostwire: Tokyo the worst game I've played this year and one of the worst open world games I've played in the last few years.
Everything from the shitty fog that blocks content to the spirits floating around detract from the admittedly gorgeous setting of Tokyo that Ghostwire finds itself in, with each locale being a visual treat (alongside the few scares the game throws your way). Makes it that much more unfortunate that most of what you'll be doing is the mentioned shitty side content or dealing with the various Gates that dispel fog and open more of map. I'd say the gates offer varied combat encounters IF the combat wasnt spammy dogshit with no real way to make better since you can't combo any of the elements together or really change how they function besides making things faster through upgrades which are locked behind side content (or grinding money). Does not help that traversal in this game boils down to running from place to place or using the occasional floating tengu to get around mixed with really fucked gliding. Story as well doesn't really have much going for it besides Akito and KKs cute banter because of cookie cutter characters and a villian who looks really cool but is just as nothing as his lackies.
Don't really have much else to say besides to not play Ghostwire Tokyo. If I had to reccomend this game it'd be on Game Pass (when it inevitability hits it) or on a DEEP sale because I'd rather play an Ubisoft game then deal with this bitter disappointment.


Reviewed on Sep 30, 2022
