Tbh didn't really enjoy this game, but before getting into that I'll say the things I did like. I like the stage select, finally changes it up from the standard grid, a lot like the last 2 GB games. I like the concept of having certain amount of power up slots and being able to customize your build (more on this in the next part). I really like the special weapons being a different button then the buster, so you can still use normal shots while a weapon is equipped. I also liked that the stage layouts encourage using the different weapons (mainly Thunder Claw and Tornado Hold) to traverse the stages. And I did actually like the sky battle sections, they weren't obnoxiously long and difficult like a certain other gimmick.
The snowboarding levels were terrible, they could have been a fun gimmick in concept but they were executed so poorly, the "jump", "slide" and Rocks scream as he falls to his death are going to haunt me for a long time lmao.
I liked the collectables in previous games but it was ridiculous here. Bolts should NOT be the collectables and there should not be a limited amount of them. Yeah I get that the point is to limit how many power ups you can get, but the game already only lets you equip up to 8 with only 1 buster upgrade you can switch out of 4. They could have just had you be able to get bolts from enemy drops like normal, be able to buy and/or find the power ups in stages and only let you equip 8 at a time so you can still customize your build. But also the levels are way too long for this, revisiting stages for collectables would have been better if you could choose to start in the middle after the continue point.
I also hate that they removed E-tanks and that you can't buy normal things from the store. The games previously were really generous with items so I never really had to buy them (besides a few W-tanks) but the option would have been nice. But still so strange E-tanks or just any tank items in general were just nonexistent.
The animated cutscenes were neat but tbh they did kinda take me out of the game, I think in game cutscenes work better for these games. Not really going to hate on it too hard but yea the voice acting was also not good, some scenes would have benefited from subtitles so you can know what they're saying.

EDIT: I just remember the Rush abilities exist, and there is a Rush heal. That might be an ok substitute for Tank items but I have no idea cause I never used them, which is my bad.

Reviewed on Jul 27, 2023
