The start of my AC shenanigans, and I honestly couldn't get into this as hard as i tried. I felt constantly burdened by the stringent expectations, the obscene cost of parts leveled against the mission payout requirements and obtuse presentation of what they do, it all just stifled any desire to customize or express myself. cough I Am Aware That's The Point Of The Capitalist Mercenary Hellscape But My Autism Brain Dislikes Having To Leverage That With Low-Budget PS1 Jank And Wants Out

I fully-intend to play more AC though, I DO like piloting these mechs, I DO like the sense of weight, the ludonarrative interdependence of mechanics and world restrictions, the whole nine yards. But Busy Adult Me doesn't have time to dip my toes here first. Most searches I made to get a better grip on this just told me to play the easier AC2 and work backwards, and I'm gonna do just that.

I'm sure people have well-intentioned responses about how I could enjoy this more, but I really really do not have the energy for it right now. I love my chunky PS1 tank control jank, but as soon as I have to tango that with the ugly step-siblings of escort missions, I flee like a rabbit.

Reviewed on Sep 07, 2023

1 Comment

8 months ago

Also this is a minor pet peeve and not an issue with the game

Most resources I found for beginners were near-useless because it assumes the player already knows terminology and the metagame