Pretty great Contra-like hampered by a handful of weird design oversights. All of the great setpieces, weapons and enemies that make run and guns fun are here, along with a strong suite of extra utilities taken from Metal Slug and Gunstar Heroes. The final boss is especially a highlight.

The rough part are just a lot of little design oversights that feel like they didn't need to be there. Why is the melee attack not bound to its own button, and why doesn't it work half the time in a game where contact with enemies is a death? Why isn't the dodge roll on its own button, either? Why is the double jump locked behind a power-up that you lose on death? Things like that added artificial difficulty in places where it didn't feel like it needed to be.

If you like run-n-guns, you'll really like this, but go in knowing it's kinda rough around the edges.

Reviewed on Apr 17, 2021
