Basically the only Toaplan shooter on Genesis I love, even if it's a rough port. It's a shooter that sits between a classic shmup and a bullet hell in terms of mechanics, but having released before bullet hells were a thing, it approaches patterns more overtly and classical than some genre-merger attempts in recent gens. Weapons all feel great to use and I love the grungy sound and art. Stage 3 being a goldmine of score items out of nowhere is a very silly but endearing touch. Bosses are rough at first due to the limited vertical screen space, but become manageable and very satisfying to beat after some studying. The Genesis port is also really forgiving on lives and continues - makes it easier to learn than most older games. All around great time - not as good as the arcade version, and probably could've been a lot better, but it's nice for what it's worth.

Reviewed on May 06, 2021
