The vivid artstyle swap, linear structure and switch to Mega Man-esque gameplay is wholly more appropriate this time, yet it somehow felt worse than Shubibiman 1? A matter of aiming higher and falling lower. The sound direction is so tame, all the SFX are quiet as hell and the music is much more generic. There's little thought to these enemy and boss designs, making for a terrible grab bag of walking targets and untouchable death gods. Checkpoints become embarrassingly distant from each other as you progress, with one stage requiring you to do 3 stages worth of platforming and bosses before securing your progress. It's evil.

No game should make me wish it played more like Valis.

Idk, I really hope one of the remaining games from this series turns out good. The concept of spoofing henshin/toku media without acutally satirizing it is very appealing to me, and I love these cute, dorky characters. Gotta defend that Girls-With-Robot-Antenna-Ears representation.

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2023
