Immediately grabbed the game when I received the notif that it had become only 99 pesos on sale.

I was completely entrapped from what this small game had to offer. The closest thing I could compare it to was if Doom (2016) was placed in a Conan-esque setting. The combat is fluid and fast paced with a wealth of weapons that you can switch to on a moments notice so that you can adapt to any situation. Parrying is satisfying and gives you a short window of slowed down time to perform power attacks.

The level design, combat loop , weapon and enemy variety all contribute to giving the player of feeling like an unstoppable juggernaut ripping their way into Jurmum.

Can't say much about the setting, it's pretty standard sword and sorcery stuff with some aliens thrown in at the end. Can't complain. The game also looks like it came out on the 360/PS3 era. Not saying it looks bad but it can look a little dated at times.

Great Game! 👌👌👌👌

Reviewed on Jun 15, 2023
