Finally got around to finishing the reboot to the stories franchise and hoo boy is it impressive. Doom 2016 does what all reboots should do by keeping intact the fundamental gameplay of the original game meanwhile adding some modernity to it. The gunplay is fast and frantic with movement being a key component in success, with a wide arsenal that is both varied and customizable. The game also offers a few progression trees and additional challenges that force you to play differently from the norm. The atmosphere is fantastic of course with the infernal setting of Doom being brought to life with more modern graphics and satisfying sound design for all the monsters and weapons. The campaign is a little on the short side however with it being beatable in less than 15 hours, but it is designed to be replayed with all the hidden secrets in each level. Multiplayer is present, but queue times are long in 2020 and the campaign itself is worth the price tag. Doom 2016 is an amazing game that is a must buy on sale!

Reviewed on Jun 15, 2023
