A hauntingly raw portrayal of someone living with crippling OCD. A Little to the Left is matched only by the greats such as Yumi Nikki and Silent Hill 2 when it comes to presenting the horrifying workings of someone's mind... Wait, this game does that completely accidentally? The game is attempting to be cosy although its presentation of obsessive organisation as a good thing prevents it from achieving that?
Look, A Little to the Left is nice to look at and some of the puzzles are good. The problem is the game is ignorant of its own potential. When you're playing it, you truly do feel like you're inhabiting someone with severe OCD which is being presented as nothing but a healthy little quirk instead of something that a lot of people suffer with every day. The fact that some of the puzzle solutions seem to make no sense doesn’t help the matter. Yeah, you can’t see the pattern in this screen but trust me it’s there. You just need to be the developer to see it.
This is a weird reading of the game I get it. I’m not trying to “cancel” it or anything. It’s not some attack on the OCD community. It’s a game that in my opinion fails at its cosy goals and comes across as a stressful weirdly disturbing piece.

Reviewed on Jan 21, 2023
