3 reviews liked by Majunia200

- 49 hours played

Hogwarts Legacy is a game I feel I have to play because it’s the latest big game and it’s in my backlog. But I started this game on the 12th February and not one play session since have I thought “I want to play Hogwarts.” I have only put 12 hours into this out of a sense of obligation. But I should play games I actually want to play, not because I have to. So if I was to continue with this game, from my 12 hours and seeing later parts online and speaking to friends, I would give this game a 3/5. Because across the board this game is pretty damn average.

Hogwarts is pretty damn fun to explore but atmosphere wise is pretty damn dead. The place should be bustling. Filled with exciting chatter from the students and the wailing of ghosts. But the place is eerily quiet and student groups only seem to talk one at a time and only when you run right up to them. The open world is even worse than the school, because there’s less people and the ambient music is very quiet. All in all it feels soulless.

The combat is repetitive. There’s plenty of deadly spells so looking forward to unlocking the one hit kill spell was pointless. Because turning people into an explosive barrel does the trick also.

The story at 12 hours was a basic chosen one plot with bad writing and awkward line delivery. At no point was I excited to see what came next.

They introduced me to the Room of Requirement but it’s just bogged me down in more systems that I really couldn’t be bothered for. Because being able to fully customise that space is just more busy work in a game filled with it.

So all in all, I am a little tired of the big AAA open world games being released. They all are starting to feel the same. So I am dropping this to play games I actually want to play. If you enjoy this game, more power to you. But it’s not for me.

I finally went back to this game on the 15th of March and seen it through to the end. By the end I had enjoyed myself. Game is fine. Fun and overall a middle of the road solid game. 3/5. Repetitive combat and a soulless open world with not a lot to do outside of some boring Merlin trails drag down what could of been an amazing experience.

this game is an actual work of art - the graphics are fantastic and the world is huge and expansive and everywhere you go feels alive with so much of society and nature to be interacted with and so many events to keep the world moving.
definitely the best story ive ever experienced in a videogame hands down, so so so worth the money