An open world Sonic game full of small little platforming puzzles... everything I do not want in a Sonic game at all.

This one hurts because I can see this being the direction the franchise takes going forward for years to come and that is my worst case scenario.

Sonic to me, is a series of detailed and fun levels to learn and platform through, getting better and better each time so that you learn to go through them faster and more fluidly.

This game is not that, the game feels like 90% filler and the actual "levels" with cyberspace all control awfully and visually are just ugly to look at.

The story, while having nice character interaction moments where Sonic and friends just chat is extremely dull and uneventful.

I've heard it gets better with the updates/DLC but I do not care to find out. I played on launch and did not like it.

Reviewed on Nov 12, 2023
