Getting this out of the way, this game does not run well, it isn't just my PC this time, the steam release is just not good. Abysmal load times, rare game freezes/crashes, some glitches (not any too gameplay ruining from my experience).
Had to play with animations off as a critical cut in froze my computer. So knocking off some points for issues with the PC version that will hopefully be better in the switch version. Now on to actual game related topics.

Gameplay wise; it was pretty fun. An overall good tactical rpg, it differentiates from its' inspiration in a few interesting ways. The weapon system was interesting in how each class had set weapons they could use, each with differing accuracies, damages, weights, etc. And you could upgrade each of the do weapon slots essentially, and said upgrades carry over when you change classes. Classes were also pretty fun, as a certified class cuatomization enjoyer I liked the class options. It was cool how they weren't split promotions and were also three tiered promotions, so if you didn't like the style of one path on tier 2, you weren't locked into that. And it lets you mix and match skills pretty well. I felt this game definitely suffers from unit power creep, where a new unit who joins will just be strictly better than your current unit of the same class most of the time, save for some differing skills, but I never felt I needed to use stronger units, just used the ones I wanted. Map design was overall good, mostly standard gameplay wise, some having "gimmicky" elements that I didn't mind as they were not over bearing like in other games (fates). The only map I disliked was one that was just a giant empty rectangle. Actual art design of them was pretty good at times too. Especially the treehouse themed mansion map. That was cool. I felt it was kinda odd that one map uses a "fight giant monster" mechanic but that doesn't happen again.

Story wise, it's not bad, but definitely not super interesting either. Your standard bad magic guy and evil king do bad stuff with plot magic, items and creatures. Though the character moments spread throughout are great. Irving is a great main character, I remember enjoying a lot of his scenes in the main story. Never goes too "edgy" or too "goodie two shoes" strikes a nice balance and bounced off the cast well. Sloane and Maeve I also felt had interesting moments in the main story.

Support wise, nothing particularly amazing, but I didn't hate any support. Just mostly fun enjoyable stuff. Alden, Benji, Sloane and Sophia all have great supports from what I saw. There seems to be a ton more supports I didn't get as I couldn't use every single character, so maybe there are some more intense or impressive ones out there. But I liked all of what I saw.

Character design wise, I want to say it's good, but it just didn't do it overall for me. There are a few I really like, and I don't personally subscribe to the "character has big boobs and shows them = bad character design mentality" it was almost too much. I think the clothing designs could have been more consistent in terms of displaying the different cultures, races, countries, jobs etc. But like I said, there are some I really liked, namely Alden, Lincoln, Sloane, Rose, Sophia, Fenton, Maeve and a few  non-recruitables were especially great sadly. Overall just could have used some more refinement to really get there for me.

I'd say Dark Deity is a good experience if you're a Tactical RPG fan, it has a good voice cast and OST, it is similar enough to other games to be comfortable to switch to but different enough to be its' own game. The sprite work and animations are really good. Writing is good, and it has characters that are easy to like and play off each other well. It could use a fair amount of improvement in all categories, but it doesn't fail in any of them. Hopefully the switch version fixes all the glitches and performance issues at least. I would absolutely recommend playing that version over this if it does so. It's a good game.

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2022
