3 Reviews liked by ManePani

This is such an specific piece that I must as well be the only one in the world who even cares about it.
Back in my young, very VERY young days, I didn't have any kind of game console to call of my own. If anything, all I had was a game boy micro which I would borrow from my sister from time to time.
Obviously, I started appropriating that console the moment I realized she didn't use it at all. She had Super Mario Advance 4, and while I didn't really know who Mario was, I started by playing that because hey, it seemed interesting enough. Didn't have much more to do with my preschooler time anyways. That very GBM and cartridge ended up becoming mine the moment she got a DS, in a very vivid memory where she said "You can keep the old one all for yourself", all while laughing. Well that DS ended up with a fucked up battery, so who's laughing now?
Anyways, you know who I DID know at the time? Spider-man. God, did I love Spider-Man back when I was a little kid.
Allegedly, I begged my mother for this game back when I was like 4 years old, and got her to buy it. I'd say it was a pretty good investment to make me happy, and boy did it make me happy.
Finally I could be spiderman! Fling the evil away, kick ass, move through the skies all while garnering some photos for the bugle... Truly, a great experience for a little kid.
I never got far into this game, but it did kickstart my passion for gaming as a whole.
This is the main reason for my love for this game/s: It wasn't my first game. It was the first one I chose myself. And that has no price nor rating imaginable for me.

Felt Like an episode of the Animated Series. Final boss felt like a "had to" thing. Like "it should have been something else but this is the thing we built up". Good game.

I thought it was gonna be like a cool, 2D sidescrolling Ghost of Tsushima. Instead, it was clunky and incredibly bland. The comparison I give is that it's like a food that looks and smells better than it tastes.