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Such an ungrateful game for the effort you take in its bland and monotone missions. Filled with bugs and glitches, the devs are bullshitting themselves through the development of which there is barely any. You do mission after mission, the grinding for money alone is mostly motivation enough to play, after an enormous playing time you have enough money to buy a luxury car, running on bankcruptcy as you tune it. The tuning parts can occasionally be interesting, mostly not so much though due to the original capability of the PS3/Xbox360 and for a game this profitable it would be a shame to deliver anything new or exciting, as if you have to put effort in your software. And there you go, rinse and repeat as you try to brag in front of a level 474 Kanjhali driver not being too fond of it, neither the other lvl 200 professional snipers that surround him and never saw a cypress in years. Don't you dare you can make friends in an open lobby and have your type of fun without being shot into a dozen pieces first, just feels really low.

And off you go, doing the Cayo Perico Heist for the millionth time, the game noticing your repetition and Pavel having unique dialogue, but he still tells me WHY WE NEED UNTRACEABLE WEAPONS AND A PLASMA CUTTER FFS. And as you spawn near the island with Pavels voice glitching and saying words from the first prep mission, your cutting torch bugging away and having to restart the heist multiple times because bodies are being found even if you haven't shot anyone yet, you say to yourself: Nope. Fuck this.

Embarassingly laughable piece of media. And unfortunately Rockstars biggest money machine.