Easily one of my favourite RE games. Combines all the good new stuff that the REngine brought with the already good (but bit outdated) systems and mechanics of the original RE4.

The grid inventory, the merchant who can upgrade your weapons were things that loved from the original RE4 and I hope to see again in future RE games.

It has a good combination of the metroidvania-like sections and linear sections for the map that create an amazing flow in gameplay.

This one I consider to be one of the only RE games that actually succeds at horror. The section of the Beneviento house it better than many full-on horror games.

I also hope to see more new mechanics like hunting, these are a great way to make backtracking more fun and are a good way to handle the character upgrades.

About the extras, it basically has the best extras on the RE saga. They took The Mercenaries and turn it into short runs with some roguelike elements and made me love it. it really feels worth to master every map. The characters are not as many compared to other Mercenaries but they all played very different.

The Rose DLC was ok.

I really hope that the next RE game to be like this one.

Reviewed on Dec 03, 2023
