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January 7, 2024

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DOOMATHON entry #5.5/20
List: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Mariofan717/list/doom--quake-campaigns-ranked/

After playing hours of mission packs deviating from the base game's theming, I found this episode to be a very well executed return to form. It's not as ambitious as Scourge of Armagon or Dissolution of Eternity, but every map here is damn solid, and if not for a few instances of obnoxious Shambler spam and a final map that indulges in the worst design tendencies of these games, I'd probably place this on par with episodes 2 and 3 of the base game. A very nice addition, even if not an essential one.

Cross-posted on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mariofan717/status/1748164386534121494