I might come back to this later, but I couldn't really get into this one. Combat is weak, with your attacks having pretty poor feedback and lacking any impact. Level design is pretty uninteresting, consisting almost entirely of rectangular rooms that tend to be bigger than they need to be. The only thing that makes the game difficult is how janky dodging feels. You just kind of flop onto the ground and the animation makes it difficult to tell when you're invincible and when you're vulnerable to damage. The whole game, despite having great art and music, has a feeling that I can only describe as something that would have been on Newgrounds in the early 2000s.

You get a bunch of different combat abilities that you can mix and match which is neat, but there are just way too many other metroidvanias out there that do what I think this game is trying to do way better. Good presentation and atmosphere can only get you so far.

With that said, I did only play about 3 hours. I've heard it gets better, but I'm not willing to sit through mediocrity for the chance of quality at the moment.

Reviewed on Sep 18, 2023
