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I have been playing this game on and off since it came out in 2019. Every once in a while I would get the urge to go back and finish it, but would end up getting stuck on a boss and giving up.

But finally after 4, long, grueling years I have finished the main game. I decided to sit down and play the game on a fresh save from start to finish. It was hard at first, and i very nearly gave up once again.

After Gyobu, the game just clicked with me and it was no longer the unruly slaughter fest it once was.

Beating Lady butterfly on my first attempt give me such a rush that i wanted to keep playing. Especially considering she took me about a week to beat the first time i played the game.

From that point on the game was just a straight path to the end.

Ishhin the Sword Saint was the furthest I had ever made it into the game but just could not beat it in 2019. This time around, after only about 40 minutes of trying I had him beat.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a game I wanted to love so much but never did.

While I still much prefer most of the other soulsborne games,
I now have a newfound appreciation for the game. Most of the bosses in this game are absolutely phenomenal and very well designed.

With all that said, the game is just not for me, and that's okay. I truly enjoyed this game on this playthrough but i can't really see myself ever playing it again.

I have been in a toxic relationship with Sekiro for the last 4 years and it feels so good to finally lay it to rest.

Reviewed on Jun 15, 2023
