The infamous and hated Yakuza 3. Does it deserves? Yes. All of it? No.

The first of the remastered and not remake games. This game is pure Ps3 and not in a bad way. Unfortunately, combat still shit. Why we fought so hard to become the legendary Dragon of Dojima, and EVERY LITTLE THUG CAN DEFEND OUR PUNCHS WITH EASE?

I am tired to hate yakuza combat so let's go to the story. I can see why some people don't like this game. A big part of it is just a "normal life simulator" (i will not use the other title to avoid major spoilers), and the biggest conspiration plot to bring Kiryu back is just not good enough. Characters are meh, i don't like at all the little yakuza gang from Okinawa, they are there just to fill empty spaces. And please, BEAUTIFUL EYES??? Really???

Yakuza 3 is good? Far from it. But is not that bad and definitely not skippable like i heard some people say. It's very important to make Kiryu this amazing character, and if you skip, you are wrong.

Reviewed on Feb 03, 2023
