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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 8, 2023

Platforms Played


This game was fun to play, but in the end- the ending's just weren't worth it.
I have to appreciate how Chilla's art always brings up the most scary and natural sides of society, and tries to make tragic/horror games with plots like these, but I wasn't all so hyped for it in the end, since it just made me be like ''meh'', and just move on.
Not memorable enough, nothing that can keep me into the game, or make me say ''okay, this is going to my favourites'', and it's like that with every chilla's art game, but i guess i always expect something with those games and that's why in the end i always play them.
It's a good one, totally not so different that the other recent ones, but it was fun to play (at some parts of course), the stealth part was really fun, having to find the keys and batteries while trying to hide from the 2 characters that are trying to find us was truly an interesting thing to do, and it was thrilling. So i give chilla's art that.