That's the word i am going to use for this game.
You can see just how impressive it is and how seriously it was taken... Silent Hill is a true horror, truly an experience that made me feel scared, paranoid, mad, pleased, emotional and even happy.
Such amazing visuals, the camera angles can be spotted just at the start of the game, as the camera moves everytime you move to a different area or angle, or whatever. But it's not the moving that matters- it's how interesting it looks as we do it, for an example- the staircase angle in the lighthouse. It's THAT impressing that the whole game i was just shocked.
The characters are interesting, most of them are with truly depressing backrounds, but i think that as you get more and more into the game you can just see how in depth this game takes everything, and it's amazing. It truly brings people together to unravel every little bit of the game.
Amazing puzzles- from hard zodiac puzzles to literal connect the small dots puzzles that are pretty lighthearted. I loved every single puzzle there, even the most cryptic ones. They make you think out of the box, see new posibilities, make you think critically towards everything you see and this is what truly made me want to finish the game.
The enemies- meh.... they look cool, especially the bosses, but i was not a fan of how when you go to a new area 40 enemies that need 8 shots to die are jumping you all and cornening you. I felt pretty claustrophobic, but it wasn't so bad for me to dislike the game or feel tired of it. In the contraty- i felt like i want to play more.

This game just totally brings out nostalgia. I can't argue on the fact that everything this game has make me feel sad about what the recent silent hill games are. But... This one is special, and i will appreciate it strongly, everyday.

I played this on the Twitch channel, and a lot of sweet people joined, so make sure you come by and hang out with us for Silent Hill 2!!! :D

Reviewed on Nov 01, 2023
