Medal of Honor: Rising Sun is a decent FPS even if it does show many of the cracks in game development at the time. This is especially apparent when looking at the game as its graphics are so very polygonal with every face being uncanny almost to a point of comedy. The AI on display here isn't particularly intelligent either especially when it comes to grenades as enemies don't recognize when such is lobbed at them. I can't comment much on the realism in this game for a variety of reasons chief among them being that I wasn't alive during World War II and that I am not particularly a war historian but I do feel like this game tries to make some genuine attempts at trying to provide the Pacific Theatre experience with the weaponry and unlockable interviews.
This game isn't really that long nor hard; there are 8 missions with 3.5 of these missions sharing roughly the same jungle backdrop I would say two in particular stick out to me without bias: Singapore Sling, the closest thing to a stealth mission in the game & Supercarrier Sabotage, the climax. Even including the three sets of collectables there's still not alot going on in this game. Playing on normal difficulty, I think this game is pretty generous with the amount of health pickups either lying around or dropped by others that practically make health in this game a non-issue. There were only two parts in this game where I faced a genuine problem and had to think somewhat strategically to get through. Difficulty also ties into another aspect of this game I'm mixed about, those being the weapon quirks. In particular, for some reason the weapon melee in this game insta-kills enemies whenever utilized, it's both satisfying and comical to barge through an entire group of enemy soldiers with nothing but the butt of a gun, despite this however unless aiming directly for the head most guns need 3-5 shots to take down an opponent.
Admittedly, since this was the first game I have memory of playing, I am most likely very biased toward it. but overall unless you have an avid interest in the Pacific Theatre, I don't think there is much here that makes it stand out from other schüt games.