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Time Played

5h 45m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 11, 2023

First played

December 10, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This is an interesting one... First of all, this is a game about a cartoon, "Ok KO Let's be Heroes", but that might be already very obvious.
What is not so obvious is that this was a pilot to said cartoon, only in game format.
So, Ok KO started with a few animated shorts under the name "Lakewood Plaza Turbo", nothing came out of it for a while but a while later this game came up.

The game is actually pretty good and, based on what ended up in the cartoon, it holds it pretty well.
Basically, there should be very little changes compared to the cartoon, but the most noticeable one is how certain robots were cut in the cartoon and how apparently some others were either minor roles or introduced very late.

Ok, so now about the game.
You should know that there are 2 storylines and one possibly game-breaking bug that can prevent 100% completion (I'm sitting at 97.6% completion due to it!).

The main storyline: A Hero Tonic was sent to the Bodega and the people on the plaza end up having a taste party. Turns out the tonic is evil and it tuned all the heroes evil as well! Mr. Gars decides to blow up the plaza because too many villains there at the same time is too dangerous. It's up to KO to find the heroes blown away to several different palces and help create an antidote and find who is the culpirit between the tonic.
Sidestory: Dendy wants some help from KO to investigate some robot behavior in the Danger Zone Road, turns out there's abother villain to deal with... (This uses a different style of gameplay where you control the Buggy, funnily enough this mode is buggy which can case the issue where you can't complete these missions).

The game breaking bug: If you get two upgrades which increase the amount of damage you make but change the items of clothing you wear, this might break the Buggy missions. Most likely the Buggy missions coding don't properly have logic to handle the changed sprite due to the upgrades and it renders KO on top of a grey background (like if it was trying to load a normal map_ intead of the Buggy mode.

IMHO For a pilot-game of a show I liked a lot, it did pretty well. You should be aware that it's a very simple game, don't expect much.
It was very nice to see where some ideas started and how they had planned it initially. For example, they had planned a completely different design for Lor Venomous, which is shown here (he's the skinny guy buying the tonic from Boxman in a cutscene).
Only bad thing is the bug I mentioned, which would be nice to have been fixed a while (unless maybe it's a side effect from running the game many years later?)

It's not good enough for 4 stars, 3 stars is too low for a game that I liked quite much, so maybe 3.5 starts? I didn't technically 100%, closest was 97.6%, but I did try to find every single secret in the game and unlock every upgrade, the only content I didn't manage to acess was due to a bug in the extra content, so I believe it's a honorary 100%.