So far, I'm loving D4! It being a live service title will probably hold it back from being a masterpiece. What is here is very enjoyable. D4 is a mix of the other two entries of the series DNA. Big change here is that it has gone open world. (Gee what a shocker am I right?) In the case of D4 I like the change makes the world feel more seamless than its level-based predecessors.

Expect an absolute blood fest of demons to kill keeping you constantly busy, while on the grind to get your item level as high as you can. All the while trying to tweak and find the perfect aspects for your build. Which in D4s case is immense when it comes the sheer number of styles on offer here.

Of the five classes you can mix and match style of combat to your hearts content. Allowing theory crafters with a lot of options. Are they balanced? Meh... not really. You still have a strong meta that will change from season to season.

Shouldn't hold you back from experimenting until you reach late game as to know your class inside and out. This is important knowing balance changes can come at any time.

The music is atmospheric as per the Diablo style with a rearranged version of a beloved classic coming back in a part of the story. The story telling is a huge step up from D3. I felt more invested this time around. Even if a few of the characters were annoying and added little to the story overall.

The art direction here is a big selling point for me early on. Going from the cartoonish stylings of D3 to this is a much-needed improvement. Diablo is actually kind of scary again. With darker muted colors. Really sold me on this world besieged by demons. With death around every corner.

Now the downside of this game. IMO the live service model will do major damage in the long run to this title. With the introduction of a battle pass that will reset roughly every three months. A cash shop for some I have to admit really cool cosmetics. Just feels so predatory micro transactions territory. Or even like a mobile game.

If you want to explore the full breadth of this game, be prepared for a grind that kind of doesn't respect your time. That being said when a new season comes around starting all over again. Only keeping map exploration and alter of Lilith statues from season to season.

Overall, my opinion of this game is that its right step in the right direction. We just need the current trend of microtransactions from spoiling it. With Blizzards track record I'm not too optimistic about that happening anytime soon.

Reviewed on Aug 02, 2023
