I'm a declared fan of Siactro's games, and after playing all the Toree franchise I was starving for more, and Super Kiwi 64 was what I needed and beyond. The game felt more complete than Siactro's previous games, especially 'cause it flirts with lots of genres besides platform, such as adventure, action and puzzles. The move set is delightful, the level design is smart, creative, and well polished. Kiwi's move set is quite smooth and fun, and the gameplay is short, but it does deliver. Everything I wished after a tiring week.

Positive points
+ Retro Style;
+ Variety of Beautiful Visuals;
+ Clever Game Design;
+ Formidable Move set;
+ Some music tracks are really great;
+ It's short but it delivers;
+ Platform at its best.

Reviewed on Dec 28, 2023
