As a concept, I really do like this gameplay style. It's fairly well directed, looked solid for the time, and the use of QTEs is honestly not too bad considering that this is essentially an evolution of classic adventure-style games.

However, this feels like less of a solid game and more of a first draft prototype for this style of gameplay. The characters are mostly pretty dry, with shonky voice acting consisting of barely-masked accents. The story itself also just feels like an excuse to set up multiple setpieces to show off the tech - they're enjoyable, but don't do much for the narrative. The actual mystery tying the story together is pretty much the only engaging thing, and the payoff is less than ideal.

It's not terrible, but it's really not great either (and that's not to speak of it's more problematic elements, but those are largely rooted in subtext surrounding how terrible David Cage is as a person). Still, the jank can raise a few good laughs, and it's worth at least one playthrough - then just watch the other endings on Youtube.

Reviewed on Feb 13, 2022
