What if more of DmC, but worse in every way?

Vergil's Downfall follows on immediately from the events of the base game, which is nice and all. Still, its plot is horribly cliche and only serves to colour in a blank that would be pretty easy to figure out on your own. It suffers from all the contrivances and selling itself as deeper than it actually is that the original story did. However, it lacks the absurdity and unique world of that story, leaving it feeling hollow and pointless.

The whole experience is like, a little over 2 hours at most, and encompasses 6 levels. One of those is just a boss, and another one is the first level but slightly different. There's really not a lot to chew on here, content wise. There aren't any hidden levels either, only hidden health bonuses.

The main draw of the DLC is, of course, playing as Vergil, who if you remember from DmC, was a useless sack of shit. And while he's got a passable moveset here, going from Dante to Vergil is a massive downgrade that never ends up reaching that level of complexity that Dante's large weapon pool had. Vergil only has one weapon, the Yamato - sorry, the "Yuh-mad-oh" - and its initial combos are lacking. Even when you finally unlock the Angel and Demon movepools, you're left with some unimpressive combos for the Demon side, and better but more situational attacks for the Angel side. Vergil also can't double jump either, which is bound to lead you to screw up the platforming until you get the hang of it. He can also shoot swords with X instead of using guns, and it also works the same way as Dante's grapple in combat.

Graphics and visuals are mostly the same, with Vergil's design changing over the course of the DLC into something decent, if angsty, but still very much on-brand for this game. Levels go for a similar vibe, but due to the settings being almost entirely floating rocks, it lacks variety, like how the base game mixes in levels with more familiar urban environments being twisted by Limbo. As such, it's way less impressive.

Cutscenes are a huge departure, however, opting for an inFamous-esque comic-book style. They're ok, but I didn't particularly care for how minimalist the animation style was. I'm sure it'll scratch some people's itches, but not mine. I can understand the need for going in a different direction, because flying back everyone for a handful of new motion capture scenes would likely blow the budget of the entire DLC alone. That said, this ain't it.

Altogether, Vergil's Downfall is just a mundane rehash of things you already did in the base game, but a little bit worse in basically every way. All in the name of sequel bait for something I think we can all agree is not happening. You might as well not bother unless, for some reason, you really liked Vergil in this game.

Reviewed on Aug 11, 2023
