Making a video game is easy, right? No, actually, it is not. It is pretty fucking hard in reality. In fact, making a GOOD video game, GREAT even, is even harder than that. However, Vince Perri thought that making a video game could be easy, so he went on to try to do just that. And not just one video game, but 52 of them! So, after what I presume was one good night of coding, we were then graced with Action 52, a collection of 52 different video games all on one cartridge on the NES.

This game is the literal definition of quantity over quality. All of the games in this collection suck, and it did not deserve any attention whatsoever, especially back in the 90s when it came out. I would go ahead and cover all 52 games individually in this review and talk about what makes them work or what doesn't, but given how most of the games are practically the same, and most of them suffer from the same problems, why would I even bother?

The graphics are ugly, although some games are more bareable in that department, the music for the most part is annoying and lacks any effort, the control is broken or doesn't make any sense for most of the games, and the gameplay itself most of the time either doesn't work, or it is so bland and forgettable that I don't wanna bother with it for too long.

Every single game in the collection has something wrong with it, whether the game itself being multiplayer only, terrible level design, terrible enemy design, repeating the same gimmicks over and over again, spawning you right into death, and in the case of two games, not even working at all whatsoever. None of them are worth playing, except maybe for Cheetahman, which they intended to be a mascot of sorts, but you can clearly see how that turned out.

Also, did I forget to mention that, at the time it was originally released, they charged this for $200? Adjusted for inflation, that is around $400 nowadays. They really charged $200... for THIS. To anyone who actually fell for this and bought this for $200 back in the day, I feel extremely sorry for them, but at the same time, not really.

Overall, this is one of the worst selection of games I have ever seen, and they don't deserve any of your time and dedication. Also, I heard there is a Genesis version that could be considered slightly better then this, but you are crazy if you think I am gonna play this again.

Game #73

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

I like the genesis version less honestly, there's a lot of unintentional comedic value in the nes game while the genesis one is just boring and highly upsetting