Back in the late 80s, the company Sunsoft, who were known at the time for Blaster Master and Spy Hunter, had acquired the license to develop a game based on The Terminator, which sounds like it would've been a good game, since they also made the NES Batman game, which from what I heard was good. Unfortunately, however, they ended up losing the license altogether, and this led to another Terminator NES game being made, which from what I have heard is NOT a good game, which is practically expected at this point. Either way, instead of abandoning what had been worked on at that point, Sunsoft decided to rework what they had and released as a completely original game known as Journey to Silius.

So, the only reason I played this is because it was available on the NES Switch Online service (because they love giving you random games nobody cares about instead of other quality titles), and after playing it, I can say it is the most average NES game I have ever played. It's not really bad, but it isn't that good either, but it does have some good qualities that are nice to mess around with.

The story is every single dead-dad-revenge-plot ever put into media, and it is abandoned as soon as it is introduced, the graphics are pretty good, although generic when placed next to other games like it, the music is very nice, as to be expected from a Sunsoft game, the control is easy to pick up, although your movement and jump momentum is very awkward to handle, and the gameplay is extremely standard of the time, but it is still serviceable.

The game is your typical 2D side-scrolling shooter of that era, where you run from left to right, shooting enemies, defeating bosses, and grabbing items, including an assortment of weapons that you can use to take on said enemies and bosses, such as a machine gun, homing missiles, and a grenade launcher, and while the weapons themselves don't really look too different from each other, they are useful in several scenarios. The game can be enjoyable at points, and it doesn't really do anything too bad, but at the same time, again, it doesn't really do much to stand out from other games on the same system.

In terms of issues I have with the game, it's pretty similar to issues I would have with other NES games in general: cheap enemy placement, bosses where they have a TINY weak point that you have to hit, obstacles that can result in instant death, and some instances where it seems like you can't avoid taking damage no matter what you do. Although, with all that being said, if this game did end up being the Terminator game for the NES, I would probably like it a whole lot more, because then I would actually somewhat care about the world and characters.

Overall, while it really doesn't do too much wrong for me to hate it, it doesn't really do anything to stand out, and it is just your basic NES shooting platformer. With that being said, if you have absolutely nothing better to do, there would certainly be worst things you could do other than trying the game out.

Game #103

Reviewed on Apr 24, 2023
