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I can't believe I waited so long to play Alan Wake! This game is really something and I had a blast with it. The story is really interesting and Alan Wake himself is such a fun character. Bright Falls itself is also such a cool and eerie place, and a great setting for this type of horror/thriller story.

The gameplay also holds up in my opinion and while I've heard some refer to the game as too repetitive, I find that the game drip feeds you just enough tools to deal with the Taken, and just enough enemy variety to keep things interesting. Plus, the mechanic of having to weaken enemies with light and then take them on is a novel and entertaining gameplay loop. The crows do suck though, fighting those things is always weird. The worst enemy for sure.

Overall though Alan Wake really kicked ass and it's episodic level structure really made the game digestible and fun to play in chunks. Having already played Control and now this, I am very excited for Alan Wake 2, Control 2 whenever it comes, and whatever else Remedy has in store for this world.