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Far Cry New Dawn- Ubisoft decided to make a sequel for Far Cry 5 which was originally going to be dlc, but decided to make it a single game that was worth $40 at launch.

Story and Characters- The game takes place many years after FC5 which also takes place in Hope Country which has become an apocalyptic wasteland at the end of FC5. You play as a new main character who is also mute like the protagonist from the fifth game and is one you also customize who is sent to Hope Country to help the survivors rebuild their homelands, but gets attack by a biker gang lead by two killer twins so the main character has to kill the bikers to help and save the civilians. Just like the protagonist from the fifth game, you don’t know what the protagonist is thinking and their reactions due to them being mute so you don’t feel any attachment to them. The twins are the main villains of the game and are just generic psychopaths that kill people for pleasure and don’t stand out compared to the previous antagonist especially Joseph Seed. Speaking of Joseph Seed, he is in the game but is now an ally to the protagonist and acts like a sage who has become wise after the event of FC5. Since the game was meant to be dlc, the story I still very short so don’t expect a long epic story.

Gameplay- The gameplay is the same as FC5, but they now added a weapon creation and customization feature where you collect junk and materials to build weapons, vehicles and upgrades. Ubisoft decided to add micro transactions where you pay real money just to get better weapons and vehicles since they keep focusing on having people pay real money just for better items which the time keep doing with most of their games especially Assassin’s Creed. The stealth mechanics feel way off in this game since enemies can hear and detect you used a suppressed weapon or bow and arrow so Ubisoft screwed up with their basic formula.

Overall Impressions- This is the lowest point in the franchise since Ubisoft stopped caring about creating good games and decided to release a game that was meant to be dlc for full price and decided to throw in micro transactions for more money. 3 out of 10

Reviewed on Mar 09, 2024
